How to Remove the Smell of Smoke from Your Car’s Upholstery

Want to know how to get cigarette smell out of a car? The team at the Land Rover Princeton service center near Hopewell has your guide on how to remove smoke smell from a car’s upholstery. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our service center if you need further assistance along the way.

How to Get Rid of Smoke Smell in Car

If you’re looking for details to remove smoke smell from a car, you’re in luck! We have your guide to how to get rid of the smell of smoke from the carpet and upholstery in your used vehicle. To start on the task to get smoke smell out of the car, you will need baking soda and a vacuum. Then, follow these easy steps:

  1. Vacuum the carpet and upholstery as thoroughly as you can, including getting in-between the seats and crevices as old ash could be sitting in those areas.
  2. Then, sprinkle baking soda all over the upholstery and the carpet, and let it sit for a little while. The baking soda is an odor neutralizer and will remove any unpleasant scents.
  3. After letting the baking soda sit for a bit, vacuum it up. If the scent is still lingering, sprinkle small amounts of baking soda to remove it further. You can leave an open box of baking soda in your vehicle overnight to hopefully absorb the smell.

Remove the Smoke Smell From Car: Leather and Trim

Want to know how to get smoke smell out of a car, especially in the leather and trim? The smell of smoke can penetrate leather and leave a residue on other surfaces.

  1. To start, you need a cleaner specifically formulated for the surface you’re cleaning – the leather or dashboard.
  2. Clean the surfaces multiple times because the smoke smell gets deep within the surface of the leather and trim. Multiple cleanings ensure that you have removed the scent and residue.

Once you have finished the upholstery, carpet, and trim, you will want to clean other surfaces in your vehicle. This means wiping down your windows and the front and back windshield. Replace the air filter since the smell of smoke also gets into air vents.

Learn More About How to Get Cigarette Smell Out of Car!

If you have additional questions about how to get rid of smoke smell in the car, be sure to give our service center a call at your earliest convenience.

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